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Save on power bills
Is your power bill the lowest in 11 years?
The latest data from the Electricity Retailers’ Association reveals that Power bills are down $156 in five years, a new 11-year low. How does your power bill compare? Here’s how to make sure you’re getting the best value from your power plan, and how to get guaranteed savings on your bill. 
Happy cat in a warm home
How to lower your power bill this winter
Keeping your power bill down during winter can be a challenge. In fact, depending on where in NZ you live your power bill could more than double. Here are some small changes you can make in your day-to-day life to cut the amount of power you use in your home
Aurora set to increase Power Prices in South Island
Power Price increase for 90,000 in the South Island – Have your say
Power bills look set to increase for 90,000 homes, farms and businesses in the South Island under an application to the Commerce Commission from Aurora Energy.
Power companies restart disconnections
Some Power Companies are restarting disconnections
Power Companies are ending the no disconnection policies they bought in during lockdown. We’ve outlined some key things to be aware of if you are worried about your power bill, and how to make sure you are on the best plan going forward. 
Get help with power bill
How to get help with your lockdown power bill
Many New Zealanders are worried about bigger power bills coming their way in the coming months. But there are still steps you can take during lockdown if you need help with your power bill, or if you want guaranteed savings on your power bill.
Spotlight on Electric Kiwi
Spotlight on Electric Kiwi
Worried about managing your power bill and reducing how much you spend on home utilities? We reckon at times like these Kiwis need a Power Company with a difference – that’s why we wanted to put a spotlight on Electric Kiwi.
Increased power bills during lockdown
Worried about your increased electricity use & bigger bills heading your way?
As we head through lockdown and the long recovery that’s expected after, concern is growing for people who are likely to struggle to pay their power bills...
Home energy makeover
Give your home an energy make over during lockdown
If you’re one of the many New Zealanders catching up on home maintenance and safe DIY activities during lockdown, this is a great time to give your home an energy makeover.