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SPOTLIGHT: Powershop

Spotlight on Powershop
Monday, August 27, 2018


Our spotlight series highlights the best energy retailers in New Zealand, so you know more about different options to save on your power bill and electricity costs. We feature the best power companies so you can compare the top energy providers in New Zealand and choose the best option for you. This Spotlights features one of our top power companies: Powershop

Powershop provide an online service and have a great reputation for putting customers in control and saving them money. They have a proven track record for customer satisfaction – an independent survey rated their residential customer satisfaction at an average of over 90% for the past 8 years.

Powershop have a great special offer – kickstart your account with $150 credit spread over your first twelve months with a great offer through Power Compare. 

Why choose Powershop?

Powershop have an innovative approach to let you take charge of your power and optimise your power spending.   Here’s why Powershop could be a great option for you: 

  • Buy your power in advance online in bundles called Powerpacks. Large and small Powerpacks are available to suit your budget, and you can buy special discounted Powerpacks to save you money. 
  • Buy power online before you use it so you can budget ahead and smooth out the cost of power over the year. Or choose to be billed and pay for your power after you use it as you do now.
  • Buy Special Packs from Powershop when they are available to stock up on the cheapest power available. 
  • Powershop customers have access to their online shop where you can buy Powerpacks, manage your account, and monitor your household’s power usage day-by-day to optimise how you use your power. 
  • Speak to a real Kiwi when you need help - their call centre is based in New Zealand. 
  • Enjoy the freedom of no fixed term contracts.
  • Save money as you go by buying special discounted Powerpacks throughout the month. Think of it as an ‘early’ discount for buying your power ahead of time instead of the more traditional prompt payment discounts.

Do I have to pay for my power in advance with Powershop?

Not at all. Powershop allows you to choose to buy Powerpacks and pay for your power in advance, or you can choose to pay for your power after you use it as you would under a traditional provider. You don’t need to worry about losing Power connection if your prepaid packs run out, as you’ll simply be charged for your power each month as you would under a traditional provider. This means you can prepay for your power when it suits you, but if you go on holiday or it doesn’t suit you to buy prepaid Powerpacks you can simply switch back to a traditional billing model. 

What areas does Powershop service?

Powershop are available in most parts of New Zealand. So there’s a good chance they are available in yours. 

Do I need a special meter or equipment to join Powershop?

Nope – Powershop work with nearly every sort of meter.  You don’t need any special equipment to switch to Powershop, they will supply your home or business just like your current electricity supplier.

How to switch Power Provider

Interested in switching, but thinking “Ugh….life admin. Sounds like a hassle!”? Luckily companies like Power Compare and Powershop make it easy to switch to a new provider.

It just takes 10 minutes to sign up online with Powershop, all you need to set up is your preferred payment details. Powershop will take care of the rest from then – including contacting your current supplier to sort out the switch. 

Want to learn more about how to save on your power bill? 

Check out these ways to lower your energy bill
Take the Power Bill Challenge with Power Compare


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