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Power Outages and Faults in New Zealand

Power Outages and Faults in New Zealand
Tuesday, April 10, 2018

Today, there has been reported snow, thunder, rain, wind and even tornadoes across New Zealand. Consequently, there is a higher chance of unexpected power outages during these events.

Below is the information on who to contact in each particular area:

Auckland (All areas)
0508 832 867
(0508 VECTOR)

0800 10 40 40

Top Energy
0800 867 363

WEL Networks
0800 800 935

The Lines Company
0800 367 328

Counties Power
0800 100 202

Westfield Trust (Electricity and gas)
0800 490 004

All other areas
0800 232 858
(0800 2 FAULTS)

Gas faults
0800 232 858
(0800 2 FAULTS)

0800 286 476

Live information on current outages:

Top Energy
Visit their website for news on outages and lines maintenance, view details.

View listed faults and outages on their website, view details.

Vector network
Check out the Vector outages map on their website (please note: this will not show hot water outages). You can also download their app for Android and iPhone, view details.

Scanpower Ltd
View listed faults and outages on their website, view details.

Network Tasman
View listed faults and outages on their website, view details.

Counties Power
Visit their website to view the outages map, view details.

View a list of planned and unplanned outages on their website, view details.

View information on the Electra network status here, view details.

Buller Electricity
View information on the Buller network here, view details.

Marlborough Lines
View information on the Marlborough network here, view details.

View a list of known faults on their website, view details

Wellington Electricity
View a list of known faults on their website, view details.

Waipa Network
View a list of known faults on their website, view details.

View a list of known faults on their website, view details.

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