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Compare Average Power Bills in New Zealand 2020

Average power bill in New Zealand
Thursday, March 5, 2020

How much is your average power bill? Your power bill is likely to form the largest part of your spend on home utilities.

Although we all need to spend money on Power, there can be a lot of variation in the average bill depending on where you live, who your current provider is, and how your family uses electricity. We wanted to take a step back and compare real power bills from New Zealanders.

What is your ‘real’ rate?

At Power Compare, we know that our consumers are more savvy than most. There’s the ‘standard’ rate that your Power Company charges - but the actual amount that you pay on your bill can vary depending on how you consumer power at home, whether you pay your bill on time, whether you’ve switched for an awesome introductory offer, creative use of plans with a “free hour of power”, or bundling your power and broadband.

We’d like to invite you to take part in the Power Bill Challenge from Power Compare. We’ll see if we can save you money on your current power bill by finding you the best value power provider for your needs! Plus, we’ll collect together a statistically significant number of bills to compare how much ‘real’ Kiwis are paying for their power.


Take the challenge


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