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What is a breakdown of the average household electricity bill in New Zealand?

Monday, April 1, 2019


What is a typical breakdown for how a typical New Zealand home uses their electricity?   

In 2017 residential customers consumed 32 percent of electricity produced. Most residential electricity use is for refrigeration, water heating and space heating. Although there has been an increase in the types of technology that need electricity, appliances are generally becoming more efficient.

Compare how much homes in Auckland, Wellington and Christchurch spend on different functions in their home. Including home much New Zealand homes spend on water heating, electronics, refrigeration, space heating, lighting, cooking and clothes drying.

Typical Household Electricity Usage in New Zealand

typical Kiwi household electricity usage

Compare Average Electricity Usage for Auckland, Wellington and Christchurch

If we look at an average power bill, here’s a breakdown of where the money in the bill is likely to be going. The majority of the electricity bill tends to go to water heating, electronics and refrigeration. 

  % of Bill


Auckland North / West



Average Electricity Bill Total






Water Heating






Electronics and other electrical












Space heating


















Clothes drying







If you think that you are paying a little too much for your annual electricity bill, you can compare and find a better power deal.

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Source: Electricity Authority



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