Slingshot Power

Introducing Slingshot Power! Bundle Power with your Broadband and save. Slingshot offer super competitive rates – and you’ll get 10% off your base broadband plan AND your base power plan with bundle discount. Sweet deal!

This retailer has opted for their plans NOT to appear on Power Compare or they have told us they are NOT taking on new customers at the moment, so you won't see their products listed.  If a specific retailer is not appearing, be sure to check their prices directly before you switch. 

** NOTE: The above information has been provided by « Slingshot Power» or reproduced from their website **

*** last updated at 2025-02-20 13:29:41 ***

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Price: low to high
Price per 30 days
Total 3.8
Overall Satisfaction 4.0
Value for Money 2.5
Customer Service 5.0
Average from 4 reviews
2023-08-05 08:18:32
Greg 1.0
Signed up for my 80yr old step mother as they appeared to have a great deal on the bundle package, what a nightmare, minimum wait time on phone for cust service is 2 hours and thats on a good day. 1 month later and they still hadn't switched her cell phone over despite repeated promises from supervisors and managers. Previous bills on other provider for services was about $190 per month. FIRST bill from slingshot $403. Next stop is Fair Go
None, they had 0 customer service, they never followed up on anything and they charge like a wounded bull
a company that would rather wear the user down than help, no accountability and no responsibility.
2022-02-08 22:02:25
Gavin 5.3
Began with Slingshot just for broadband and mobile and 15 moths ago got the power bundle. They have been quite good on service and resolving connection difficulties. However price of power seems to be creeping up.
Bundled product. Resolution of service difficulty.
2021-10-11 17:01:06
Michael 4.0
Have been with these guys for years, and usually just roll over because its all in one - mobile phone, land line, power and fibre - it's convenient. They however are not at all competitive price wise for power anymore, and whilst the staff are friendly, it's often an endless loop of poorly automated responses, or a Q&A that assumes I'm so dumb I can't even turn on a laptop. The staff can be more than a little patronising and unhelpful. After many years, I am looking to move, I just can't get them to answer how much longer until I'm out of the present contract. more
All utilities in one place
Price, lack of customer focus and help and they are at best patronising.
Slingshot Power – A fast growing power NZ provider
Slingshot Power – A fast growing power NZ provider
You have probably heard of Slingshot, the well known broadband brand from Vocus Communications… but did you know Slingshot now offer power?, Slingshot Power offer great rates when you bundle power and broadband.